Keeping Our Word in the Face of Meta’s Changes

When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he reinstated accounts of people who frequently had plied misinformation on the site, and he seemed unconcerned about the platform’s takeover by people with…
Dramatic photo of Franklin School, home to Planet Word

Fed Up with Lies

As flood waters swirled around people’s homes and yards along with spiraling rumors and disinformation about emergency rescue services, I became fed up — fed up with the lies that…

The Death of Truth

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” — George Orwell Starting on May 30, Planet Word is launching the first…

Losing Iowa

I’m from Iowa originally, and being a smallish, quiet state, there was never much to brag about — no professional sports teams, no especially big cities, no astounding geological spectacles…
Dramatic photo of Franklin School, home to Planet Word

Putting Aside Words as Weapons

This has been an incredibly hard few weeks for people who care about people, who work for peace, who strive to promote tolerance and understanding…and for people who care about…