Language Science Station
Sunday, February 25, 2024 | 11:00 a.m.
$0 | 925 13th St., NW, Entrance on K Street
A joint program of the University of Maryland, Gallaudet University, and Howard University, the Language Science Station is a living laboratory that invites Planet Word visitors of all ages to contribute to language research and have conversations about language with language scientists.
Find Language Science Station researchers located on the third floor in the Spoken World gallery and on the second floor landing in front of our classrooms.
Ongoing studies include:
Race the Robot 2.0
Visitors complete sentences as quickly as they can to learn about how brains make predictions about language.
E is for Expert
Visitors talk about a topic they know a lot about, and a topic they know less about, to learn how words are connected in the mind and how experiences shape these connections.
Language and Concussion
Visitors play a series of short language games to learn about how language is affected by concussion.
All Planet Word visitors are welcome to participate. Reserve a general admission pass in advance to ensure you get your preferred entrance time to the museum and have plenty of time to stop by the Language Science Station.