Eyes on Reading: Advancing Adolescent Literacy — What Matters Most?
Wednesday, October 09, 2024 | 6:30 p.m.
$0 | Mansard Room
Nearly 70 percent of eighth graders scored below “proficient” and, of those, 30 percent scored “below basic” according to the 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress, known as the Nation’s Report Card. We have to do better! As the momentum of science of reading takes hold of our national conversation, the time is now to dial into aligned approaches for adolescents.
Join us as experts Dr. Tiffany Mitchell Patterson, Barbara Davidson, and Janise Lane dialogue about approaches to building literacy beyond foundational skills: once phonemic proficiency, decoding, and fluent reading is established- what’s next for a reader? Whether this transition occurs in upper elementary or middle school and beyond, practitioners must skillfully address literacy needs that prepare readers for college, career, and reading to learn for life.
The Reading League-DC (TRL-DC) will serve as a co-host of the public program. Attendees will gain an understanding of how to strategically support adolescents ready to advance in their reading journeys, and a robust community of practice focused on the same. Q&A time will be provided at the end of the evening to explore how adolescent literacy might be more effectively addressed in the Washington, D.C., area.
For questions or concerns regarding accessibility needs, please contact [email protected].
Pre-reading: The experts will be beginning their dialogue with their take-aways from this article, Adolescents’ perspectives on the barriers to reading for pleasure
Optional pre-readings:
Many kids can’t read, even in high school. Is the solution teaching reading in every class?
Adolescent Literacy Policies Are Helping Struggling Readers
NWEA Brief: Recovery Still Elusive