Dignity or Contempt? How One Simple Tool Could Transform America’s Dialogue

After two assassination attempts against former President Trump and unease in Springfield, Ohio, after false accusations that immigrants there were eating pets, it’s the right time to think about toning…
From the Founder

Words Matter

Planet Word was founded in our nation’s capital on purpose. Where else should a national museum of words and language be located? Our nation was built on words, on the…

Midsommar animations on open-faced book pages
Planet Word

Shakespeare at Planet Word

When we started planning Planet Word, since no one had ever visited a word museum, people had lots of assumptions about what it would be like. One of the most-often…

The Planet Word building. It is a historic red brick building with decorative windows, cupolas, and a mansard roof.
From the Founder

A Message Regarding COVID-19

These are difficult days for our planet. All across the world, in hundreds of different languages, people are expressing their fears about the coronavirus, collaborating to limit its impact, and…